Source code for shasta.primitives.formation

import numpy as np

[docs]class Formation(object): """Formation control primitive using region based shape control. Coded by: Apurvakumar Jani, Date: 18/9/2019 """ def __init__(self, config=None): # Initialise the parameters self.a = 5 self.b = 5 self.knn = 6 self.alpha = 0.5 self.gamma = 0.5 self.min_dis = 2 self.dt = 1.0 return None
[docs] def calculate_vel( self, vehicle, dt, all_drones_pos, centroid_pos, path_vel, vmax, formation_type ): """Calculate the vehicle velocity depending on the position of the peer vehicles Parameters ---------- vehicle : class instance A class instance of UxV agent dt : float Time step duration (in seconds) to use in next position calculation all_drones_pos : aarray An array with position of all the vehicles in the group/platoon centroid_pos : array An array specifying the centroid of the platoon path_vel : float Path velocity calculated from next position and current position vmax : float Maximum velocity of the vehicle formation_type : str Whether the formation is solid or ring Returns ------- vehicle : class instance A vehicle class instance with updated position """ # Get the neighboor position curr_pos = np.asarray(vehicle.current_pos[0:2]) peers_pos = all_drones_pos # Calculate the velocity of each neighboor particle k = 1 / self.knn # constant g_lij = (self.min_dis**2) - np.linalg.norm( curr_pos - peers_pos, axis=1, ord=2 ) del_g_ij = 2 * (peers_pos - curr_pos) P_ij = k *, g_lij / (self.min_dis**2)) ** 2, del_g_ij) f_g_ij = ( np.linalg.norm( (curr_pos - centroid_pos[0:2]) / np.array([self.a, self.b]), ord=2 ) - 1 ) # Calculate path velocity kl = 1 # constant del_f_g_ij = 1 * (curr_pos - centroid_pos[0:2]) del_zeta_ij = (kl * max(0, f_g_ij)) * del_f_g_ij vel = path_vel - (self.alpha * del_zeta_ij) - (self.gamma * P_ij) # Calculate the speed speed = np.linalg.norm(vel) # Normalize the velocity with respect to speed if speed > vmax: vel = (vel / speed) * vmax # New position vehicle.desired_pos[0:2] = vehicle.current_pos[0:2] + (vel) * dt return vehicle, speed
[docs] def execute(self, vehicles, next_pos, centroid_pos, formation_type): """Get the position of the formation control Parameters ---------- vehicles : list A list containing UAV or UGV class centroid_pos : array An array containing the x, y, and z position dt : float Time step to be used for distance calculation """ vmax = vehicles[0].speed all_drones_pos = np.asarray([vehicle.current_pos[0:2] for vehicle in vehicles]) # Path velocity path = np.array([next_pos[0], next_pos[1]]) - centroid_pos[0:2] path_vel = (1 / self.dt) * path if np.linalg.norm(path_vel) > vmax: path_vel = (path_vel / np.linalg.norm(path_vel)) * vmax # Loop over each drone to calculate the velocity # NOTE: Very complicated way to implementing list comprehension # TODO: Need to find an efficient way to implement formation control vehicles, speed = map( list, zip( *[ self.calculate_vel( vehicle, self.dt, all_drones_pos, centroid_pos, path_vel, vmax, formation_type, ) for vehicle in vehicles ] ), ) if np.max(speed) < 0.015 * len(all_drones_pos): formation_done = True else: formation_done = False # Apply the control for vehicle in vehicles: vehicle.apply_action(vehicle.desired_pos) return vehicles, formation_done