Creating Custom Experiment#

This tutorial will guide you through the process of creating a custom experiment using the BaseExperiment class provided. We’ll explain the implementation of each function required to customize the experiment and provide an example of a custom experiment class called SearchingExperiment.

BaseExperiment Class Overview#

The BaseExperiment class provides a basic structure for defining experiments in a simulation environment. It is designed to be inherited by custom experiment classes. Here’s a brief overview of the functions defined in the BaseExperiment class:

class BaseExperiment(with_metaclass(ABCMeta, object)):
    def __init__(self, config, core, experiment_config=None, *args, **kargs):
        """The base experiment which other experiments should inherit

        config : yaml
            The experiment configuration file
        core : object
            The SHASTA core object

        self.config = config
        self.core = core
        self.exp_config = experiment_config

        return None

    def reset(self):
        """Called at the beginning and each time the simulation is reset"""

    def get_action_space(self):
        """Returns the action space"""
        raise NotImplementedError

    def get_observation_space(self):
        """Returns the observation space"""
        raise NotImplementedError

    def get_actions(self):
        """Returns the actions"""
        raise NotImplementedError

    def apply_actions(self, actions, core):
        """Given the action, applies the action to group or individual actor

        :param action: value outputted by the policy
        raise NotImplementedError

    def get_observation(self, observation, core):
        """Function to do all the post processing of observations (sensor data).

        :param sensor_data: dictionary {sensor_name: sensor_data}

        Should return a tuple or list with two items, the processed observations,
        as well as a variable with additional information about such observation.
        The information variable can be empty
        return NotImplementedError

    def get_done_status(self, observation, core):
        """Returns whether or not the experiment has to end"""
        return NotImplementedError

    def compute_reward(self, observation, core):
        """Computes the reward"""
        return NotImplementedError
  1. __init__(self, config, core, experiment_config=None, *args, **kargs): Initializes the base experiment class with configuration parameters.

  2. reset(self): Called at the beginning and each time the simulation is reset.

  3. get_action_space(self): Returns the action space.

  4. get_observation_space(self): Returns the observation space.

  5. get_actions(self): Returns the actions.

  6. apply_actions(self, actions, core): Given the action, applies the action to group or individual actor.

  7. get_observation(self, observation, core): Processes observation data.

  8. get_done_status(self, observation, core): Returns whether or not the experiment has to end.

  9. compute_reward(self, observation, core): Computes the reward.

Custom Experiment: SearchingExperiment#

The SearchingExperiment class is an example of a custom experiment inheriting from the BaseExperiment class. This experiment is designed for a simulation environment where agents (UAVs and UGVs) need to search for a target building. Below is the implementation of the SearchingExperiment class along with explanations for each overridden function:

from collections import defaultdict
from shasta.base_experiment import BaseExperiment
from .actions import SimpleActionDecoder
from .custom_primitive import FormationWithPlanning
from .states import StatesExtractor

def group_actors_by_type(actor_groups):
    actor_type = defaultdict(list)
    for key, value in sorted(actor_groups.items()):
    return actor_type

class SearchingExperiment(BaseExperiment):
    def __init__(self, config, core, experiment_config=None, *args, **kargs):
        super().__init__(config, core, experiment_config, *args, **kargs)
        self.state_extractor = StatesExtractor(experiment_config, core)
        self.actions_decoder = SimpleActionDecoder(experiment_config)
        self.actions = {}
        env_map = core.get_map()
        for i in range(6):
            self.actions[i] = FormationWithPlanning(env_map)

    def reset(self):

    def get_action_space(self):

    def get_observation_space(self):

    def get_actions(self):

    def apply_actions(self, actions, core):
        paretos = self.state_extractor.get_pareto_node()
        decoded_action = self.actions_decoder.get_action(actions, paretos)
        while True:
            actor_groups = core.get_actor_groups()
            self.actions_done = []
            for group_id, action_args in decoded_action.items():
                    self.actions[group_id].execute(actor_groups[group_id], action_args)
            if all(self.actions_done):
                for group_id in actor_groups.keys():
                    self.actions[group_id].path_points = None

    def get_observation(self, observation, core):
        actor_groups = core.get_actor_groups()
        grouped_by_type = group_actors_by_type(actor_groups)
        states = self.state_extractor.get_state(
            grouped_by_type['uav'], grouped_by_type['ugv']
        done = self.state_extractor.update_progrees(
            grouped_by_type['uav'], grouped_by_type['ugv']
        return states, {"searching_done": done}

    def get_done_status(self, observation, core):
        return self.actions_done

    def compute_reward(self, observation, core):
        return 0

Now let’s explain each function in detail:

  1. __init__(self, config, core, experiment_config=None, *args, **kargs): Initializes the SearchingExperiment class by setting up state extractors, action decoders, and primitive actions.

  2. reset(self): This function is called at the beginning and each time the simulation is reset. In this example, it doesn’t have any implementation.

  3. get_action_space(self): Returns the action space. It is not implemented in this example.

  4. get_observation_space(self): Returns the observation space. It is not implemented in this example.

  5. get_actions(self): Returns the actions. It is not implemented in this example.

  6. apply_actions(self, actions, core): Applies the decoded actions to the actors in the simulation environment. It iterates through decoded actions, applies them to respective actor groups, and updates the simulation.

  7. get_observation(self, observation, core): Processes observation data. It extracts states of UAVs and UGVs from the simulation environment using the state extractor.

  8. get_done_status(self, observation, core): Returns whether or not the experiment has to end based on the completion status of actions.

  9. compute_reward(self, observation, core): Computes the reward. In this example, it returns a constant reward of 0.

This concludes the tutorial on creating a custom experiment using the BaseExperiment class. You can further extend and customize this experiment class according to your specific simulation requirements.