Creating Custom Robots#


In this tutorial, we will learn how to create custom robot instances using the provided BaseActor abstract class and an example custom actor class named UaV. The BaseActor class provides a foundation for defining behaviors and properties common to different types of robotic actors within a simulation environment using the PyBullet physics engine.

Abstract Actor Class: BaseActor#

The BaseActor abstract class serves as the base for implementing specific robot instances. It defines essential methods and properties required for interacting with the simulation environment.

class BaseActor(with_metaclass(ABCMeta, object)):
    """This is the base class for a single UGV robot"""

    physics_client = None
    _loaded = False

    def __init__(self):
        self.states = {}
        self._actor_id = None
        self.init_pos = None
        self.init_orientation = None

    def _load(self):
        """Load object into PyBullet and return a list of loaded body ids."""
        if self._loaded:
            raise ValueError("Cannot load an actor multiple times.")
        self._loaded = True
        actor_ids = self.load_asset()

        if not isinstance(actor_ids, list):
            actor_ids = [actor_ids]

        self._actor_id = actor_ids[0]
        return actor_ids

    def get_actor_id(self):
        """Get the actor id

            The actor id in the simulation
        return self._actor_id

    def load_asset(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Load the assets of the actor."""
        raise NotImplementedError

    def reset(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Reset the actor

        raise NotImplementedError

    def get_observation(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Get the observation from the actor.

        raise NotImplementedError

    def apply_action(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Apply the action to the actor

        raise NotImplementedError

    def destroy(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Destroy the actor

        raise NotImplementedError

Explanation of Abstract Actor Class#

  1. __init__(self): Initializes the actor instance with default values for its properties.

  2. _load(self): Abstract method to be implemented by subclasses for loading objects into the PyBullet simulation.

  3. get_actor_id(self): Returns the unique identifier assigned to the actor in the simulation.

  4. load_asset(self): Abstract method to be implemented by subclasses for loading specific assets of the actor into the simulation environment.

  5. reset(self): Abstract method to be implemented by subclasses for resetting the actor to its initial state.

  6. get_observation(self): Abstract method to be implemented by subclasses for retrieving observations from the actor.

  7. apply_action(self): Abstract method to be implemented by subclasses for applying actions to the actor.

  8. destroy(self): Abstract method to be implemented by subclasses for removing the actor from the simulation environment.

Custom Actor Class: UaV#

The UaV class extends the BaseActor class to define a custom Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) actor within the simulation environment.

class UaV(BaseActor):
    """This is the base class for a single UAV robot"""

    def __init__(self, config=None):
        # Platoon properties
        self.vehicle_id = 0
        self.platoon_id = 0
        self.type = 'uav'

        # Properties UAV
        self.init_pos = None
        self.init_orientation = None
        self.current_pos = copy.deepcopy(self.init_pos)
        self.desired_pos = copy.deepcopy(self.init_pos)

        # Extra parameters
        self.idle = True
        self.ammo = 100
        self.battery = 100
        self.functional = True
        self.speed = 2.5
        self.search_speed = 0.25

        return None

    def load_asset(self):
        """Initial step of objects and constraints"""
        # Initial pos and orientation
        if self.init_orientation is None:
            self.init_orientation = self.physics_client.getQuaternionFromEuler(
                [0, 0, np.pi / 2]

        # Load the mesh
        path = '/'.join(['./assets', 'vehicles', 'arial_vehicle_abstract.urdf'])
        self.object = self.physics_client.loadURDF(
        # Constraint
        self.constraint = self.physics_client.createConstraint(
            [0, 0, 0],
            [0, 0, 0],

        # Change color depending on team type
        self.physics_client.changeVisualShape(self.object, -1, rgbaColor=[0, 0, 1, 1])
        return None

    def get_pos_and_orientation(self):
        """Returns the position and orientation (as Yaw angle) of the robot."""
        pos, rot = self.physics_client.getBasePositionAndOrientation(self.object)
        euler = self.physics_client.getEulerFromQuaternion(rot)
        return np.array(pos), euler

    def reset(self):
        """Moves the robot back to its initial position"""
        self.physics_client.changeConstraint(self.constraint, self.init_pos)
        self.current_pos = copy.deepcopy(self.init_pos)
        self.desired_pos = copy.deepcopy(self.init_pos)
        return None

    def get_observation(self):
        pos, orientation = self.get_pos_and_orientation()
        return pos

    def apply_action(self, position):
        """This function moves the vehicles to given position

        position : array
            The position to which the vehicle should be moved.
        self.current_pos, _ = self.get_pos_and_orientation()
        position[2] = 10.0
        self.physics_client.changeConstraint(self.constraint, position)
        return None

    def destroy(self):

Explanation of Custom Actor Class#

  1. __init__(self, config=None): Initializes the UAV actor instance with default properties and parameters.

  2. load_asset(self): Loads the UAV mesh and initializes constraints within the PyBullet simulation environment.

  3. get_pos_and_orientation(self): Retrieves the current position and orientation of the UAV actor from the simulation environment.

  4. reset(self): Resets the UAV actor to its initial position within the simulation.

  5. get_observation(self): Retrieves observation data from the UAV actor, typically used for state estimation or perception tasks.

  6. apply_action(self, position): Applies a specified action to the UAV actor, moving it to the given position within the simulation environment.

  7. destroy(self): Removes the UAV actor from the simulation environment.


In this tutorial, we have learned how to create custom robot instances using the provided BaseActor abstract class and the example custom actor class UaV. By extending the BaseActor class and implementing specific methods, we can define custom behaviors and properties for robotic actors within a PyBullet simulation environment.